How to create a googlesheets4 reprex
“reprex” is short for “reproducible example”. A reprex is very helpful when reporting a bug or requesting a new feature. The reprex package helps with some of the fiddly mechanics of making a self-contained, well-formatted reprex.
You might worry about some awkward things when using reprex with googlesheets4:
- What about auth? What if you need to reprex with a private Sheet?
- How do you make a Sheet readable by everyone or specific individuals, like a package maintainer?
Here we show various ways this can work, if rough order of preference.
Use a public example Sheet
If you can make your point with one of the example Sheets, exposed
via gs4_examples()
and gs4_example()
, do so!
You can call gs4_deauth()
explicitly in your reprex to shut
down any attempt to get a token.
# put the googlesheets4 code you want to reproduce below here
# the following is just an example, replace it with your own code
gs4_example("mini-gap") %>%
Create a Sheet and make it world-readable
If you can create an example Sheet that makes your point and make it
readable by “anyone with a link”, do so! You can call
explicitly in your reprex to shut down any
attempt to get a token.
How do you make a Sheet world-readable? Do this setup once! It should not be part of your reprex. Two options:
In the browser: Share (big green button) > Advanced > Who has access … Change > Link sharing: On - Anyone with the link
Using googledrive:
library(googledrive) x <- drive_get("YOUR_SHEET_NAME") drive_share(x, role = "reader", type = "anyone")
Now make a reprex just like we do with the official example Sheets:
# put the googlesheets4 code you want to reproduce below here
# the following is just an example, replace it with your own code
Grant access to specific user(s)
If you can’t create a world-readable example Sheet, perhaps you can still share one with specific individuals, such as a package maintainer. How to share with specific user(s):
In the browser: Share (big green button) > People > Enter names or email addresses.
Using googledrive:
library(googledrive) x <- drive_get("YOUR_SHEET_NAME") drive_share( x, role = "reader", type = "user", email_address = "jane_package_maintainer@example.org" )
See the next section for advice on your reprex code.
Use a private Sheet
eventually runs your code in a fresh,
non-interactive R session. You won’t be there to do anything about auth,
like select the right identity or approve the use of a cached token.
This general situation is documented in the gargle vignette Non-interactive auth. But here’s the short version:
- Develop a code snippet that works interactively for you, in a clean R session.
- Note who you are logged in as.
reveals this if you’re not sure. - Insert an explicit call to
gs4_auth(email = "SOMEONE@example.org)
into your code (see below). - Use
Here’s an example of a snippet suitable for
, assuming the user has successfully run it
once interactively, so there’s a cached token for “jane_doe@example.com”.
gs4_auth(email = "jane_doe@example.com")
# put the googlesheets4 code you want to reproduce below here
# the following is just an example, replace it with your own code
ssid <- "some_very_long_string_of_letters_and_digits"
If you’re reluctant to reveal your email address and/or the spreadsheet id, you can use special comments to create a hidden chunk and a visible body chunk. If the Sheet is private and no one else will be able to access it anyway, this is still a good option to show exactly what you’re seeing locally.
#+ include = FALSE
# code here is executed but the results won't appear in rendered reprex
gs4_auth(email = "jane_doe@example.com")
ssid <- "some_very_long_string_of_letters_and_digits"
#+ include = TRUE
# put the googlesheets4 code you want to reproduce below here
# the following is just an example, replace it with your own code