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Some aspects of googlesheets4 behaviour can be controlled via an option.


local_gs4_quiet(env = parent.frame())




The environment to use for scoping


Code to execute quietly


The googlesheets4_quiet option can be used to suppress messages from googlesheets4. By default, googlesheets4 always messages, i.e. it is not quiet.

Set googlesheets4_quiet to TRUE to suppress messages, by one of these means, in order of decreasing scope:

  • Put options(googlesheets4_quiet = TRUE) in a start-up file, such as .Rprofile, or in your R script

  • Use local_gs4_quiet() to silence googlesheets4 in a specific scope

  • Use with_gs4_quiet() to run a small bit of code silently

local_gs4_quiet() and with_gs4_quiet() follow the conventions of the the withr package (


Read about googlesheets4's main auth function, gs4_auth(). It is powered by the gargle package, which consults several options:


# message: "Creating new Sheet ..."
(ss <- gs4_create("gs4-quiet-demo", sheets = "alpha"))
#>  Creating new Sheet: gs4-quiet-demo.
#> ── <googlesheets4_spreadsheet> ───────────────────────────────────────────
#> Spreadsheet name: gs4-quiet-demo                              
#>               ID: 1Mxn59QJOcDdKKAH7U2Oya-bpmp9uSpNi1w8WmIYrEoA
#>           Locale: en_US                                       
#>        Time zone: Etc/GMT                                     
#>      # of sheets: 1                                           
#> ── <sheets> ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> (Sheet name): (Nominal extent in rows x columns)
#>        alpha: 1000 x 26

# message: "Editing ..., Writing ..."
range_write(ss, data = data.frame(x = 1, y = "a"))
#>  Editing gs4-quiet-demo.
#>  Writing to sheet alpha.

# suppress messages for a small amount of code
  ss %>% sheet_append(data.frame(x = 2, y = "b"))

# message: "Writing ..., Appending ..."
ss %>% sheet_append(data.frame(x = 3, y = "c"))
#>  Writing to gs4-quiet-demo.
#>  Appending 1 row to alpha.

# suppress messages until end of current scope
ss %>% sheet_append(data.frame(x = 4, y = "d"))
#>  Writing to gs4-quiet-demo.
#>  Appending 1 row to alpha.

# see that all the data was, in fact, written
#>  Reading from gs4-quiet-demo.
#>  Range alpha.
#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#>       x y    
#>   <dbl> <chr>
#> 1     1 a    
#> 2     2 b    
#> 3     3 c    
#> 4     4 d    

# clean up
gs4_find("gs4-quiet-demo") %>%
#> File trashed:
#>  gs4-quiet-demo <id: 1Mxn59QJOcDdKKAH7U2Oya-bpmp9uSpNi1w8WmIYrEoA>