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Adds one or more new rows after the last row with data in a (work)sheet, increasing the row dimension of the sheet if necessary.


sheet_append(ss, data, sheet = 1)



Something that identifies a Google Sheet:

  • its file id as a string or drive_id

  • a URL from which we can recover the id

  • a one-row dribble, which is how googledrive represents Drive files

  • an instance of googlesheets4_spreadsheet, which is what gs4_get() returns

Processed through as_sheets_id().


A data frame.


Sheet to append to, in the sense of "worksheet" or "tab". You can identify a sheet by name, with a string, or by position, with a number.


The input ss, as an instance of sheets_id


# we will recreate the table of "other" deaths from this example Sheet
(deaths <- gs4_example("deaths") %>%
  range_read(range = "other_data", col_types = "????DD"))
#>  Reading from deaths.
#>  Range other_data.
#> # A tibble: 10 × 6
#>    Name        Profession   Age `Has kids` `Date of birth` `Date of death`
#>    <chr>       <chr>      <dbl> <lgl>      <date>          <date>         
#>  1 Vera Rubin  scientist     88 TRUE       1928-07-23      2016-12-25     
#>  2 Mohamed Ali athlete       74 TRUE       1942-01-17      2016-06-03     
#>  3 Morley Saf… journalist    84 TRUE       1931-11-08      2016-05-19     
#>  4 Fidel Cast… politician    90 TRUE       1926-08-13      2016-11-25     
#>  5 Antonin Sc… lawyer        79 TRUE       1936-03-11      2016-02-13     
#>  6 Jo Cox      politician    41 TRUE       1974-06-22      2016-06-16     
#>  7 Janet Reno  lawyer        78 FALSE      1938-07-21      2016-11-07     
#>  8 Gwen Ifill  journalist    61 FALSE      1955-09-29      2016-11-14     
#>  9 John Glenn  astronaut     95 TRUE       1921-07-28      2016-12-08     
#> 10 Pat Summit  coach         64 TRUE       1952-06-14      2016-06-28     

# split the data into 3 pieces, which we will send separately
deaths_one <- deaths[1:5, ]
deaths_two <- deaths[6, ]
deaths_three <- deaths[7:10, ]

# create a Sheet and send the first chunk of data
ss <- gs4_create("sheet-append-demo", sheets = list(deaths = deaths_one))
#>  Creating new Sheet: sheet-append-demo.

# append a single row
ss %>% sheet_append(deaths_two)
#>  Writing to sheet-append-demo.
#>  Appending 1 row to deaths.

# append remaining rows
ss %>% sheet_append(deaths_three)
#>  Writing to sheet-append-demo.
#>  Appending 4 rows to deaths.

# read and check against the original
deaths_replica <- range_read(ss, col_types = "????DD")
#>  Reading from sheet-append-demo.
#>  Range deaths.
identical(deaths, deaths_replica)
#> [1] TRUE

# clean up
gs4_find("sheet-append-demo") %>%
#> File trashed:
#>  sheet-append-demo <id: 13v8BAdPvOB6Dd9HV3UaLWmhDeS1iDK-Ky-2HJGhMnpg>